Brittni and Jessica (Commonly known as BJ)

Brittni and Jessica (Commonly known as BJ)
This pretty much says it all. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back in Provo

Well, as fun as Thanksgiving was, I'm actually kind of glad to be back. It's really cold here, but there were a lot of cousins in Oregon. I love them, but being back at home just wasn't much of a break.
I got to watch the last few minutes of the BYU-Utah game yesterday while at work. It was pretty incredible, and I understood most of what happened thanks to my experience with Seminary scripture football.

Brittni, come back!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I'm home in Oregon right now, I'm pretty excited. There's a few people that are visiting, and by a few I mean 10. It's kind of crazy. But I'm having a good time. I'm just about to buckle down and do my homework. I really really really don't want to, but it's for that class that I'm majoring in, so I guess I kind of have to.

I forgot how green Oregon is! I love it!
I also forgot how funny hippies are, I love them too, just a little bit.
I also forgot how amazing no sales tax is - yippee!
I also forgot what it feels like to get lost because all the streets are so winding and you have no idea where you are until you pop out of the trees (emphasis on trees) at a recognizable intersection. That's just fun.
I forgot how I really like driving.
I forgot how good pistachios are - especially the ones from Trader Joe's that are already shelled, roasted and salted. yummy!

Ok, now I'll go do my homework.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Brittni, I know I work a lot and I really do hate it. I was gone Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8-9 in the morning until 10-11 or even 12 last night. It's stupid. I'm trying to figure out a way to work this all out.

So I'm sitting here in the library, waiting for the textbook for my class comes back to the Music and Dance Library so I can check it out. This is so stupid. I need the textbook to take my open book test online which is due tonight at midnight, AND I'm going to the temple tonight, which I'm really excited about but that means I have to be done by 4 so I can go home and get ready. ugh. Whoever has it has had it for a long time. I'm almost ready to just guess on the ones I was going to look up. UGH!

Friday, November 16, 2007

A typical night...

Jessica is working, yet again. It seems like all she does is work, work, work and that makes me sad because I never get to see her anymore. I am going to divine comedy tonight with Ian and then hopefully playing guitar hero with Becky if I have time when we get back.

Jessica--in response to your last comment about me coming to our ward, I'll think about it, but I'm not sure how much I'll be coming in the near future.

Well that's enough for tonight. The End.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I have not forgotten...

I just like to write stuff on Sunday. That seems to be the only time I have time.

I've been working a lot lately - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I had banquets with catering, and Thursday and Friday I started my new job with Sister Woodger. It's pretty fun, and so much less demanding than catering.

Saturday I went on a date with Patrick from our ward to Belshazzar's Feast. It was a choir and orchestra performance - it was so cool and just incredible that everyone could sing and play that loud and good for that long (Belshazzar's Feast is one song that is about 40 minutes long). Then we went back to his apartment with the other couple that was with us and we made hot chocolate and played a card game called scum. I don't think I had ever played it before, but I ended up doing really well - it is purely a game of luck.

Today I made cookies and brought them around to a couple apartments and got to know some people a little better. That was fun.

Church was good today - Brittni, you really should come to our ward sometime. I know you go to your home ward and stuff, but you really should come. You are missed.

I'm trying to think of something cool that I've been thinking about or something, but I just don't have very good thoughts or things that I've been wondering about. I guess I don't think enough. I'll work on that.

Friday, November 9, 2007

What happened to Jessica?

Okay, so nothing really happened to Jessica, but she seems to have forgotten that this blog even exists...

How sad. :(

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This is what we do in our spare time...