Brittni and Jessica (Commonly known as BJ)

Brittni and Jessica (Commonly known as BJ)
This pretty much says it all. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So finals are upon us! I took one today, but according to Brittni it doesn't really count because it was so easy, which it was. But the important thing was that I studied and learned a lot in preparation for it because I didn't know what was coming. hmm. Brittni's right, we really have had a whole lot of drama this year. It's been a little crazy, but we've still had tons of fun. Just tonight for example, I showed her my Russian Dance from the Nutcracker. It's a good time, remind me to show you sometime (wait, who am I talking to? no one reads this. oh well.)

Christmas is also coming so quickly. It is a week from tomorrow (well, today, technically. I really should go to bed) I can't really believe it. It doesn't really feel like Christmas because we're so busy and stuff, but I'm still excited to go home and stuff and have a break. That will be so nice. Just four more finals...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Finals are almost here

I can't believe that the semester has gone by so fast. It's so crazy that we're almost done with half of our sophomore year. We've been through a lot this semester. More drama than we've ever had before...
Accounting is definitely taking up much of my time these days. Jessica, on the other hand, is busy with choir and singing and music in general. Life's good...or it will be in the future. I'm glad that we could make it through so much as roommates. Jessica you're the best!

p.s. the concert was fantastic.

Friday, December 7, 2007

My Grand Return to the Roommate Blog

So basically I've been completely ignoring the blog lately. Sorry about that. I hate those cute couples around campus too. I just want to be in one of them someday but for now I'm focusing on school. Accounting takes all of my time and even more. It even took a couple nights of no sleep to get ready for this last test.

It all paid off though because I ended up with an 85%. That never happens...especially in that class. I just want to be done with three hour tests for a while, but guess what?!? It's finals in a little over a week. I can't believe it. This semester went by so fast!

The End

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Frustrated Thought

So I'm sitting in the library actually doing homework, and what happens? some guy comes up to the girl sitting next to me and starts talking to her and being all cute and supportive of her as she's trying to finish a paper. UGH! I want a boy to help me and encourage me to do my homework.

PS I think Brittni has fallen off the face of the planet.