Brittni and Jessica (Commonly known as BJ)

Brittni and Jessica (Commonly known as BJ)
This pretty much says it all. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

the dilemma has been solved...


I still had to go to work, but it wasn't too bad once I got up to campus. Walking around at 8:00 at night is no fun and just plain scary. I made some new friends though and got very wet.

but the dilemma of when to watch Transformers was solved Friday night. We went bowling with a couple people from our ward and afterwards went back to their apartment and watched Transformers. It was overall a pretty good movie, and actually, I think I liked it better this way. Funny how things like that happen.

PS Good news! Today is stake conference so I'm not missing church right now, it doesn't start until 2! How cool is that!

PPS Brittni, come home! It was a little scary last night in the dark.

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